

 Congratulations my dear!
Thank you all for entering, it was a real bloodbath this time! (Like how i worked in that halloweenish joke there?) I wish you could all win a prize, but alas there can be only one.

You can enter the next competition soon enough, some of your previous entries can carry over to the next giveaway, you just need to come back and comment again.

Thanks for playing and hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!


Halloween Pendant Giveaway!


Skull Pendant Giveaway!

It's been a while since I did a giveaway, so here is your chance to win one of my new Halloween Themed Pendants!

HOW TO ENTER: Contestants enter by using one or more of the entry methods and leaving a comment saying they have done so with their email (so i can contact you if you win!). CONTESTANTS MUST LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY! AND PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL WITH EVERY ENTRY. If you leave all your entry notes in one comment it will only count as one entry. Contestants may not create new entry methods, if it's not on the list of entry methods then the entry is not valid. Winner is chosen randomly from all the entries, the more you enter the greater your chance to win! The winner will be contacted by email on Nov 1st and will have one week to claim their prize. If the winner fails to claim their prize then a new winner will be randomly selected out of the entries. This contest is an international contest.

ENTRY METHODS: (To enter the contest you must do at least one of the following, none in particular are required, the choice is yours!)
  • Heart helloheath link
  • Purchase from link
  • Add helloheath to your circle link
  • Follow this blog
  • Follow me on twitter link
  • Follow helloheath on FB  link
  • Blog about this giveaway or my shop in general on your blog
  • Tweet about this giveaway or my shop in general on your twitter (@helloheath) *up to 3 times count as entries
  • Include my shop in a treasury link (extra entry if it makes it to FP!)
That's it! easy right? Now have fun and good luck! 

*the necklace the winner receives is not exactly the same as the one pictured, some variations may occur, the chain will be different. helloheath is no liable if the prize is lost or damaged in the mail. Prize will be shipped in standard first class, the winner may add extra insurances and protection to delivery if they choose.



Well, it has been a looong time since I posted here... and the interface has all change don me! This will take some getting used to. I was on vacation and knee deep in getting back on track with everything after my hiatus, so please excuse the mess!

I just wanted to stop by and update you guys on some things...

1) IMAGEINE FX - I dont think I got into the feature I submitted for, which is ok. The important thing is that I tried, I usually talk myself out of putting forth the effort. So I feel accomplished in that at least :-)

2) H&H Studios - Is going well! The busy season is about to hit which will be good for the biz. I am excited to see what happens!

3) Website Overhaul- www.helloheath.com is getting a little makeover soon, stay tuned.

4) HALLOWEEN! -I need suggestions on what kind of art you would like to see, and if I can find the time I will do something!

5) ARTIST SHOUTOUT! - Recently I was contacted by an artist that was commissioned by one of my clients to color some lineart I did. I wanted to share it here because it's so soft and pretty, and this artist could use some love!

Here are the colored versions by luckynesu
I love colabing with other artists! Check out luckynesu's gallery here


Book Review "Making Comics" by Scott McCloud

Making Comics
Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels
by: Scott McCloud 

My Boyfriend Tad Lambert insisted I read this book so I went ahead and took his advise... for once. Some of you may know that Tad is an aspiring comic artist, but I had no idea why this book would be of interest for someone like me. Well I'm glad I listened because this book turned out to be yet another great resource that I will probably use again and again!

This book may look intimidating at first... its BIG with lots of pages. I was frightened. But I was relieved when I opened the cover to find the book is written in a comic book format. Very easy to read and definitely supports the messages and lessons of the book.

"Making Comics" thoroughly peels back the layers of story telling, rhythm, formatting, flow, and style that exposes the heart of what comics are made of. These principles can also easily be applied to numerous other art forms such as story boarding, animation, illustration, and character design.

My favorite section of the book was when Scott explains how important body language is when making comics. He talks about how the use of body language can help bridge the gap of the readers senses, since sound is not available. What I found particularly interesting was the insight about what certain poses and gestures really mean, and how to utilize the correct ones to tell your story. He gives clear, detailed explanations of how these poses, gestures, and expressions send information to the reader and how our brains are preconditioned from birth to understand these "signals". There is even a helpful diagram of facial muscles that shows the anatomy behind basic expressions. This is a great chapter alone for anyone interested in animation or illustration.

Other principles from this book that cross over to other mediums are...

-How to set a scene in motion, what you need and don't need to tell the story effectively
-Character design tips
-Perspective tips
-How to communicate different "sensations" without the use of audible sound / words

Of course there is a ton of other information specific to comic artists such as...

-An overview of popular tools of the trade
-How to successfully construct a comic layout
-Some history about the comic book industry
-Comparison of digital tools versus traditional tools
-How to make text appealing
-How text and images interact within the panels

Overall I'd say this book exceeded my expectations. There were some points that I did not find quite as interesting as others, but I suppose that's because I do not classify myself as a comic artist. Though the book has given me some inspiration to try and start a comic... we will see.

And if you are a comic artist then you should definitely pick this up... You'll be glad you did!


Imagine FX Rising Stars Contest 1/5

ImagineFX Magazine is having a rising stars competition, where up and coming digital artists can submit art for a special feature in the magazine. Problem is, it's only open to participant 25 or younger, so this is the last year I can participate! So I am creating 5 new pieces to submit, and I thought it might be fun to track my progress here. I created these designs to show off my unique esthetic and style. I wanted to show variety and range, but also keep within a theme. I hope they like the work and that you guys enjoy the progress... WISH ME LUCK!

 Flute Faun Sketch

 In the Water Sketch

 Dragon Breeder Sketch

 Still Alive Sketch

 This isn't Real... FINISHED!


Book Reviews - Books for the Artist


coming soon!


"Making Comics- Story Telling Secrets of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels." by Scott McCloud

Book Review "Your Career In Animation" by David B. Levy

I am going to start posting short reviews about the books I am currently reading in relation to the art industry :-) This is the first one!

Your Career in Animation
How to Survive and Thrive
by: David B. Levy

If you are an aspiring animator, and you have this book lying around un-cracked, OPEN IT NOW! This book is an amazing resource to anyone who wants to break into the animation industry.

This book offers timeless advise on many important aspects of the industry, from how to work as a freelancer, appropriate studio conduct, how to get a job, how to pitch a show, the hierarchy of the studio, how to take in and improve from critique, and how to get involved in the animation community.

"Your Career in Animation" covers so many great subjects that every new animator wonders about at some point. It will help you assess your options and provide realistic expectations for your future. It's also full of valuable resources, like information on active animation communities, and recommended reading depending on what department of animation you are interested in.

It's an easy read and is definitely written from an artistic, yet practical point of view. David's words will reassure and excite you about your career, but at the same time prepare you for the inevitable pitfalls every animator will experience.

He also talks a lot about the kind of perspective you will need to keep improving your work. Practical tips and practices artists can adopt that will make them more efficient artists and improve their work.

I don't want to give everything away, but just read the book! If you're like me, you will want to leap from your seat and begin a project right away. It's one of those books you can read over and over again and probably should. Although this book doesn't specifically give any instruction on HOW TO ANIMATE, it WILL prepare you for "Your Career in Animation".

I simply adore this book.


I Made A Lightbox! A Review

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I decided to build my own lightbox to improve the photography of my etsy products.


As you can see, the lightbox allowed me to take much brighter and clearer photos. The new photos are much easier to edit and end up much clearer :-) And I achieved a new level of crafty satisfaction after completing it.

I started a thread on Etsy.com i hopes that someone might be able to refer me to a good already made model. Unfortunately, most of the affordable ones had mixed reviews and I did not want to spend the money on something that might fail me. Plus they are not readily available in stores, (cant test them out before buying) so I would likely have to order one and hope that its not useless when it arrives.
Then someone suggested that I make my own. I was really opposed to the idea at first, but eventually I realized it was the only way to make sure I got something that worked without spending lots of money.

Plus I already had some of the materials I needed, including the lights. So I followed THIS TUTORIAL and had good results. 

The only word of caution I have to others who want to build their own is this, IT COST ABOUT AS MUCH TO BUILD MY OWN as it did to buy one of the cheaper models on ebay. And I already had some of the materials needed. However, I did buy some of the materials in duplicate because I am a terrible cutter and I wanted to have extra materials on hand.

Does that mean you shouldn't make your own? Not necessarily, I did get the result I wanted and can now make larger light boxes if I need to. It all depends on what works for you. If your patient and bargain hunt, I am sure you can get the materials needed cheaper then I did.

But if you hate building things like this then you wont spend much more if you just buy a cheap ready made version.

Hope you enjoyed this little adventure :-)


New Logos

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been really busy lately getting used to my new computer system and working. I'll have an update on that soon enough, don't worry :-)

In the meantime please enjoy these logos I created for my company, H&H Studios

And for my boyfriend Tad Lambert...

Click on the links for more information on my DA page.


Sorry for the Inactivity... arg

Ok so I got my computer back up and running by replacing the harddrive and just reinstalling everything. Its nice to take windows 7 for a spin as well. So I am back in the saddle! NO MORE LAPTOP YIPPI! But I do want to thank the lovely :icontadzero1085: for letting me use it in the meantime. Thanks everyone for your well wishes and for your support!
So yeah since I have been offline for a while ill be posting discount commission slots to make up for my time away. If you are interested keep your eyes peeled for the update!


So there is a damn good reason for my inactivity lately...
About 2 weeks ago I went away for a funeral. While I was there I decided to stay a little onger to spend some extra time with family since it's been almost a year since my last visit. When I got home I discovered that either my hard drive and or my mother board is fried... so no computer. :-(
Thankfully all my work is backed up on external hard drives, but i am very nerous that my life's work servives on ONE backup ATM. I'm able to use Tad's laptop in the meantime but its very difficult because I was so comfortable on my own machine.
I purchased a new super computer a few months ago and it's not ready yet.. neadless to say I'm a mess!!!
So my page will be a lil slow until things get sorted out, Im taking my computer to some techs tomorrow to see if the problem can be fixed. WISH ME LUCK!


New Fencer Girl!

Hey Guys! Here is the 2nd girl in the fencer series.
I cant wait to get all 5 of them completed! I am really looking forward to arranging them on my wall in some kind of awesome design :-)
View it on Deviant Art here
Purchase prints on Etsy here

Also, here is a tattoo design I recently finished for a client. My first attempt at "Art Nouvoue" What do you think? I loved the idea so I went a little bit overboard with the design but I am very happy with how it came out :-)
View it on Deviant Art here

 Well thats all the update I have for you today! Im going to try very hard to keep up to date with this from now on. You can also start in touch with helloheath and the upcoming H&H Studios on my facebook fan page here

Until next time!


Fencer Sketches

Working on completing my fencer girl series of 5.
It might take a while because I have a lot of client work to finish in the midst of it 0_0
Here is the original fencer girl
Here are the new girls
So far I am knee deep in coloring the one facing forward.
These are gonna all look really awesome all framed up and standing side by side :-)

Which one do you want to see completed first?


Art for a Good Cause :-)

Recently I had the opportunity to commission the great Viet-My Bui to create some custom art for me. The added bonus? The profits from this particular lot of commissions were going to aid Japan!
I asked her to do a Bust of Ling, I would have loved to give more but this was the most I could contribute right now.
Here is the result!
I love her interpretation of my character. I cant wait till I have the time to work on the story again, I have been talking about the story with Tad and trying to iron it down so that I can attempt to make a comic of it. I haven't done comics in a long time so... prey for me :-)
Well, thats all for now, I have lots of new artwork since my last update on my Deviant account you can check out.
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!




You have won the prize of a 8x10 print from helloheath and flower pin by Kimart!
Thanks everyone for participating! If you weren't lucky this time don't fret! A new giveaway will be announced soon enough!
heath-love-& happiness


Etsy Mashup GIVEAWAY! helloheath + KimArt!

ENTRY METHODS: (To enter the contest you must do at least one of the following, none in particular are required, the choice is yours!)
  • Heart helloheath or kimart link link
  • Purchase from link or link
  • Add helloheath or kimart to your circle link link
  • Follow this blog or kims blog link
  • Follow helloheath or kimart on twitter link link
  • Follow helloheath or KimArt on FB  link link
  • Blog about this giveaway or our shops in general on your blog
  • Tweet about this giveaway or our shops in general on your twitter (@helloheath) *up to 3 times count as entries
  • Include helloheath or kimart in a treasury link link(extra entry if it makes it to FP!)
That's it! easy right? Now have fun and good luck! 

*the prizes the winner receives is may not be exactly the same as the one pictured, some variations may occur. helloheath and kimart are not liable if the prize is lost or damaged in the mail. Prize will be shipped in standard first class, the winner may add extra insurances and protection to delivery if they choose.


En Guard - The First Fencer

I am really getting into the vintage vibe lately :-)
I saw some old photographs on "American Pickers" that really inspired me! Lovely ladies posing with fencing swords...

This is my little inspiration I took from them. I really like how it came out, i think I captured the vintage feel i was after while still keeping the "cartoony" "pinup" style i wanted.

Please enjoy! i think i may turn this into a series...
Prints Available Here

I'll definitely be making more of these :-) id like to have 3 total. Sorry I didn't have time for a progress video, but I will try on the next girls :-)



I really want to double my sales from last month, so I am holding a special BOGO sale in my shop! Buy any 8x10 or larger print and get a FREE MATCHING 5X7 Print! Keep it for yourself or gift it to someone special! Mention "TWEET" when you buy. Bogo ends tomorrow night!

*Excludes Sale Items


Bioshock Little Sister Head Turn-Around Animation

I am working on some Bioshock fan art, I know it's not my usual type of work but for some reason the art in that game really inspires me. Not to mention that the story is pretty compelling.
This week for our little animation club I challenged myself to do a head turn-around. (I'm not calling it a head turn because the characters neck doesn't actually turn like a life like movement, its literally a spinning head)
I decided to use a little sister as my model, and here is the result.

Please try not to get sea sick! LOL. Not bad for not animating for a while huh? Its only 8 frames and was output from Photoshop, but I plan to add more in-betweens and make it smoother at a later date. Enjoy!


My Bouncing Ball!

So I made a bouncing ball in photoshop. This is just the beginning of my starting to animate again. I made this in photoshop which doesnt really allow me to mess with the frame rate too much, but ill have toon boom up and running soon :-)

Made using "The Animator's Survival Guide" by Richard Williams


Bouncing Ball Practice...

Here is a bouncing ball i helped Tad make today. There are more pencil tests to come, i just wanted him to see the .gif online :-)



Katarzyna You won the owl necklace giveaway! Congrats to you and everybody else, thanks for participating! If you feel bummed for not winning fear not! I will be doing another giveaway soon and you may get a special extra point if you participated in this last giveaway!


The Bookmarks that took over the world...

So i was FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY on the front page of deviant art!!! Not just for the popular in 8 hours, but also 24 hours, 3 days, and 1 week. It was pretty epic. Here are the little buggers that got me the recognition.

These pokemon bookmarks spread like WILDFIRE! I'm very happy I finally got on the front page, i just wish it had been for some of my personal work... but I'll get there :-)
Now that I have been on the front page I understand what a lot of the popular artists go through and why they complain about the unpleasant side defects of popularity. Stupid questions, insults, trolls, and strangness come in piles. And even though some of it was pretty insulting, i don't care :-) Haters gonna hate!

Im on a bookmark kick right now and im not sure why... here is another one im working on now

I havent been drawing much this week because my awesome besty colleen is visiting, she bought me a patio set!! (pictures later) Anyway more art will come, <3


Owl Pendant Necklace Giveaway

So as many of you know i have a humble etsy store known simply as "helloheath"
There are a TON of great new items there now! Especially for valentines day!! But more on that later.
One of the new items im really proud of are my new cameo necklaces!

And to CELEBRATE their arrival you have the chance to WIN a free "Winter Owl Big Eyes, Bronze Cameo Art Necklace"!
It's easy as pie to enter, just take a peek at the many ways you can enter below and have fun!

RULES: Contestants enter by using one or more of the entry methods and leaving a comment saying they have done so with their email (so i can contact you if you win!). CONTESTANTS MUST LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY! AND PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL WITH EVERY ENTRY. If you leave all your entry notes in one comment it will only count as one entry. Contestants may not create new entry methods, if it's not on the list of entry methods then the entry is not valid. Winner is chosen randomly from all the entries, the more you enter the greater your chance to win! The winner will be contacted by email on Feb 6th and will have one week to claim their prize. If the winner fails to claim their prize then a new winner will be randomly selected out of the entries. This contest is an international contest.

ENTRY METHODS: (To enter the contest you must do at least one of the following, none in particular are required, the choice is yours!)
  • Heart helloheath link
  • Purchase from link
  • Add helloheath to your circle link
  • Follow this blog
  • Follow me on twitter link
  • Follow helloheath on FB  link
  • Blog about this giveaway or my shop in general on your blog
  • Tweet about this giveaway or my shop in general on your twitter (@helloheath) *up to 3 times count as entries
  • Include my shop in a treasury link (extra entry if it makes it to FP!)
That's it! easy right? Now have fun and good luck! 

*the necklace the winner receives is not exactly the same as the one pictured, some variations may occur, the chain will be different. helloheath is no liable if the prize is lost or damaged in the mail. Prize will be shipped in standard first class, the winner may add extra insurances and protection to delivery if they choose.


Latest Works

This past week I've been on a "drawing animals" spree so that I can make some new cameo art necklaces for my etsy store. It's been fun to draw them but now I really miss drawing humans! I was gonna try to squeeze in one more design before my model (Sonja) comes over tomorrow to photograph them, but id rather not rush it. I'll save the fox for the next collection :-)

So here are the newest pieces i've recently completed

 This one i didn't really like all that much but everyone on facebook went "gaga" for it so i decided to go ahead and post it. Now it's grown on me a little :-)

This one is probably my favorite, i love how the eyes and general attitude came out. He looks adorable and a little bad ass at the same time :-)

This is the new "Valentines Day" design. this one will be made into greeting cards and necklaces. It was alot of fun to draw and i kinda want a print for my wall :-)

All of these are available for purchase at etsy store. The horse will be there later today. Im very excited to photograph the necklaces on a model because it will be the first time iv'e ever used one in my shop. lets hope it goes over well :-) LOVE YOU ALL!


The Black Swan

Some new artwork i completed today :-) I saw black swan last week with Tad and his bestie Brian. It was a great movie and sparked some good conversation. It was interesting to discus that since Nina had reached her idea of "perfection" the logical (SPOILER)

end to the film was for her to die. Life would seem pointless after you have achieved the one thing you have perused your entire life. Not unlike the old pilot in "The Mummy" who longs for the glory days and jumps at the chance to pilot once again, even though it means certain death. Now I understand why lieutenant Dan wanted to die in battle so badly in "Forrest Gump". Not everyone can go on living happily with new interests... I think I could. Luckily for me there is never perfection in art.

I also really related to the film because i danced for 6 years and have also gone through identity crisis issues in my past. I am very happy with how this one came out! Ill be making this design into cameo necklaces like with the owl I just did. Im trying to get these done asap becuase im really excited to post them! Anyway, thanks for looking!

Prints are available in my etsy store

PSSSSSST, use code 15HOLIDAY to save 15%! 


Certificate of Authenticity

I've been considering offering certificates of authenticity with my prints and necklaces for a while, and i think im going to invest in getting some made.

Here is a great thread on etsy with some simple info and tips about COA's

Im thinking of just making them like business cards but with the print info on them instead of contact info... numbering is going to be hard because i dont usually do "editions" i just print things as i need them. But i suppose its a habit ill need to get into.

anyway, just thought id share the info and get your feedback.


Determined this time...

So iv decided to stop being passive about my animation endeavors and really take the bull by the horns this year! I have been doing alot more drawing and practice lately and so you can expect to see alot more sketches and stuff here. Prob not everything tho because alot more drawings means alot more scraps!

Iv been reading one of Don Bluth's animation books, the first in my long list of must reads i have been avoiding. There was an  expression exercise with Feivel in it that I did, here is the exclusive blog highlight sepia version and then color.

Drawings by heather R hitchman
Feivel copyright Don Bluth

I think im getting the hang of drawing faster and staying close to model, i just need more practice and learn how to exaggerate even more. It's all very exciting! I don't really want to change my style to much, but add in the missing pieces to my artistic repertoire. I still have alot to learn.

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